Free Photographer Icons

Over 500+ free Icons Ideal for Photographers – use on websites,  social media or in print.  

Here’s a collection of copyright-free icons for photographers that I’ve created. Please feel free to download them and use them for your own website, social media & projects. 

All the images and icons in this section are free. Use them on your website, social media, or for print use such as advertising or even newspapers. They are copyright-free.

Free Photographer Icons – In this section, you will find copyright-free icons I’ve made; they are ideal for use by photographers on websites, social media, and printed material. Some icons are male-oriented, some female and some gender-neutral, so you should find something suitable for your needs. I’ve also produced a small set for general website use, such as an email-type icon.

The icons are generally aimed at Wildlife or landscape photographers, and a few are more general, featuring just a camera. 

You can open the icon selection by either clicking and expanding the folder structure or the buttons to open each category.

Once you have found an icon(s) you like, you can preview and download it. 

I have also created some free wildlife illustrations you can download and also some actual free wildlife photographs I’ve taken. If that’s what you’re after, please visit those pages.

If you want to see a full list of free downloads, go to my Free Stuff page.

Notes All the images are in the Jpeg format. If you want to remove a background and make it in the PNG type of file, many photo editing software packages can do this, or there are numerous online websites that you can use.

While I’m providing these free, I will not create new ones on request, nor tweak or alter the ones I’ve already done, but feel free to tweak or change them yourself.

Enjoy and have a browse!


All the images and icons in this section are free to use on your website, social media, or for print use, but the images must not be re-distributed or sold as images. The photos in my gallery on this website are copyright-protected and must not be downloaded or used in any form without my written permission.

Please share this page with others who may be interested in these free images & icons. You can share the page using the buttons below.

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